The video is about Korah and Addis Ababa. It is such a joy to see these faces again. Summer is the woman who showed us around Korah, and I couldn't help but smile as I recognized children from our trip there. I couldn't help but touch my neck as I saw the women making necklaces that I purchased from there. Adam and our Tennessee friend, Brian, have been itching to go back to Korah and help in some way.
This is a great video, you just have to watch it. As I watch it (for the 10th time), I feel it. I see it, feel it, smell it. It puts me right back in Ethiopia. I have to quote my friend Hollie because she says it perfectly: "Thanks Sam for creating such a fantastic video..a wonderful representation of the beautiful people of Ethiopia and the powerful ministries stirring the souls and giving hope to all they meet."
The City of Addis - A short documentary from Session 7 Media on Vimeo.
I know I say this every time Adam posts a new video, but your husband is SERIOUSLY talented. I didn’t know you that you guys had an opportunity to meet Sumer and Corey, they are truly awesome folks. We are going to sponsor a student from Shashamene. We got the call this week and travel for Embassy on the 31, wish us luck. Skinny Finny will be home soon!