The past few months, the boys have really enjoyed playing soccer. They aren't too concerned with scoring goals or getting the ball -- they just like to run around with everyone. However, during Wednesday's game, Adam talked to them about how they are allowed to "race" in soccer. A light went on, and both boys became much more aggressive. There were a few times that we thought Wes or Cal would score a goal, and the entire team of soccer parents were cheering so loudly for them. Before they would only kick the ball a little, but on Wednesday, they were taking it all the way down the field. We knew we were getting close.
During today's game, Wes scored his first goal!! We are so proud of him!! It was bittersweet though because during the moment that he scored his goal, Adam and I were with Calvin dealing with a hurt knee -- so we missed the goal. Thank goodness that Grandpa had his video camera on, and we got to watch the big moment. I've posted it here, so check it out!
Yeaaaaa Wes! How exciting :)