In 12 hours, we will begin our journey to see our daughter!! It seems as though we will have internet connection at the guest house we are staying at, so I am hoping to keep everyone updated through the blog each day. If I can't, my father-in-law will.
I think I am feeling every emotion possible right now (except anger). I am so excited to see Allie. I am so overwhelmed when I imagine what this next week will be like because I can't picture anything about it. I have never left the US before, and I have no idea what to expect. I am sad to say goodbye to my boys for the next 8 days. I am tired from getting my 3rd cold in 2 months. I am anxious to see Dubai. I am terrified of the long flight. I don't do well on domestic flights. I can't read, watch movies, etc. I sit and stare because of what I call "personal space issues" or "not being able to breathe" and Adam and the social worker call it "claustrophobia". Whatever it is, I'm having panic attacks the past 48 hours thinking about the flight, but I am grateful that my doctor prescribed some calming anti-anxiety medication. I am nervous that the medication won't work and I'll be breathing out of a paper bag at LAX tomorrow. I am worried that I'll pass my cold on to my daughter. I am hopeful that I'll get to see my daughter when we arrive on Saturday rather than have to wait until Sunday. I am so happy when I picture Allie smiling at me and not just as a camera. I am feeling loved by all of our family and friends who are so supportive. I am full of emotion right now. I think that it is a good thing.
The first leg of our journey begins tomorrow at 4 a.m. when we head to Sky Harbor Airport. We'll fly to LA, and then we will fly to Dubai. It will take us 44 hours to get to Ethiopia (22 of those are on a plane). I will try and update the blog when we get to Dubai.
During this next week, can you please pray for our safety? Please pray for the safety and comfort of Wes and Calvin. Please pray that we will begin to bond with Allie. Please pray that we will pass court the first time on Tuesday (it is very common to fail the first time). Please pray that if we do get to meet a relative of Allie's, that we are able to get answers to questions that will help her as she matures and questions her background. Please pray for comfort and peace for Allie's birth family.
We love you all!
So happy for you guys! Congrats and happy/safe travels! Soak it all in while you're there!