Our kids plus their cousins, Sydney & Carter
Calvin showing off his face painting.
My parents got Calvin the "army guy" costume for his birthday. He wore it every day. After we got home, he told me that he saw a "real army guy" on the airplane. The army guy wore boots and not tennis shoes, so he asked if he could start wearing his army guy boots too (camo rain boots). Sure thing.
My mom and Allie with Jake from the Salty Dog Cafe.
Allie LOVED the water. Salt water in the eyes - no problem. Sand in the mouth - yummy. She crawled right into those waves.
Allie sleeping on the little propeller plane from Charlotte to Hilton Head Island. She hates being held when you are sitting down because she is a huge wiggle worm -- which makes flying very, very difficult. I don't think we will be flying anywhere the rest of the year. We need to wait until she can understand why she has to sit still. Not fun!
You can see Adam and Wes in the background heading out into the ocean. Wes LOVED going out as far as he could touch (and farther when Adam was holding him). They stayed far out for hours. Calvin chose the beach. He saw tons of jelly fish and huge sand crabs. No thank you.
So glad to see your vacation pictures. Looks like everyone had a great time!